About the Journal
IJSTECH : Indonesian Journal of Science, Technology and Humanities is an academic journal that provides a forum for researchers, scientists, and academics to share knowledge and understanding in three main fields: Science, Science Technology, and Humanities. This journal is published periodically three times a year, namely in February, June, and October.
E-ISSN : 3024-997X
P-ISSN : 2988-7976
Scope and Focus: Science, Technology, Humanities
Current Issue
IJSTECH: abbreviation of Indonesian Journal of Science, Technology, and Humanities is an academic journal that provides a forum for researchers, scientists, and academics to share knowledge and understanding in three main fields: Science, Technology, and Humanities. This journal is published periodically three times a year, namely in February, June, and October.
Strategi Penanggulangan Bencana Banjir Di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Boraks (Sodium tetraborate) Terhadap Perkembangan Sayap Drosophila Melanogaster Strain Wild
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Success of The Design And Build Contract On The Kediri Regency Stadium Construction Project
Perancangan Produk T-Cup Untuk Mengurangi Penggunaan Plastik Sekali Pakai
Pencegahan dan Penanganan Pada Bullying dan Kekerasan Seksual di SMPN 8 Malang Melalui Website Hi.Phin
Rancang Bangun Prototype Alat Smart Parkir Memonitoring Tempat Parkir Kosong Secara Real Time Menggunakan Internet of Things
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Communicating Gender Norms: A Discourse Analysis of "Not Your Barbie Girl" and "Barbie Girl"
The Future of Religious Moderation: A Study on The Opportunities and Challenges for the Existence of Religious Moderation Values in the Digital Age
Cultural Education based Local Wisdom “Tradisi Tombor Magh” in Fak-Fak West Papua
Actualization Of Pancasila Values At The Al-Amin Islamic Boarding School, Sumenep
English Student-Teachers’ Awareness of Communication Strategies and Their Implementation During Internship Program
Accounting for a Beggar's Life (Phenomenological Study in Pragaan Daya Sumenep Regency)
Simulation of Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks