Analytical Study: Exploring the Numeracy Literacy Skills of PGSD Students
The numeracy literacy, numeracy skill, analyticalAbstract
This analytical research explore the numeracy literacy skills of students in the Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) program at Musamus University. The main objective of this study was to assess the level of numeracy literacy among these future educators and to identify factors that influence their competence. Given the importance of numeracy skills in comprehensive education, understanding the skills of PGSD students is crucial for the development of effective teacher training programs. This study used quantitative data from a standardized numeracy test. The sample consisted of 2nd semester PGSD students at Musamus University, representing a diverse range of backgrounds and academic achievements. The quantitative analysis focused on measuring basic numeracy skills, problem solving skills, and application of mathematical concepts in real-world situations. Preliminary findings indicate significant variation in numeracy skills among PGSD students in the second semester, with differences related to previous educational experiences and socio-economic backgrounds. The data showed that while some students had strong numeracy skills, others still struggled with basic concepts, highlighting the need for targeted interventions. In addition, the study found a generally positive attitude towards numeracy, although accompanied by anxiety and lack of confidence in teaching mathematics. This study highlights the importance of improving numeracy skills in teacher education programs. By strengthening the numeracy skills of PGSD students, this study aims to contribute to the wider goal of improving the quality of basic education and creating a generation of numerate and confident students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Bernadetha Rizki, Ni Nyoman Rediani, Herrio Tekdi Nainggolan, Syahfitriani Br Ginting
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